kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery: Node feature discovery for Kubernetes (github.com)
helm repo add nfd https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/node-feature-discovery/charts
helm repo update
# 开启topology updater
createCRDs: true
enable: true
create: true
create: true
helm install nfd/node-feature-discovery --namespace $NFD_NS --create-namespace --generate-name
apiVersion: topology.node.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: NodeResourceTopology
name: node10
- None
- costs:
- name: node-0
value: 10
name: node-0
- allocatable: '0'
available: '0'
capacity: '3'
name: cpu
type: Node
out of tree scheduler plugin:scheduler-plugins/README.md at master · kubernetes-sigs/scheduler-plugins (github.com)
- 早期开发中,master分之和release-1.21分支差别巨大,后期可能会有大量变动
- 依赖nfd提供的NodeResourceTopology作为node拓扑信息来源,但是新的NodeResourceTopology改成了non namespaced资源,需要注意两个组件的版本搭配和使用方式
- release-1.21中只实现了SingleNUMANode,kubelet topology manager中的另外三种策略并未实现
if v1qos.GetPodQOS(pod) == v1.PodQOSBestEffort { return nil }
nodeTopology := findNodeTopology(nodeName, &tm.nodeResTopologyPlugin) // 根据配置文件中的命名空间,从中找nfd的CR,读取numa拓扑信息 func findNodeTopology(nodeName string, nodeResTopoPlugin *nodeResTopologyPlugin) *topologyv1alpha1.NodeResourceTopology { klog.V(5).InfoS("Namespaces for nodeResTopoPlugin", "namespaces", nodeResTopoPlugin.namespaces) for _, namespace := range nodeResTopoPlugin.namespaces { klog.V(5).InfoS("Lister for nodeResTopoPlugin", "lister", nodeResTopoPlugin.lister) // NodeTopology couldn't be placed in several namespaces simultaneously lister := nodeResTopoPlugin.lister nodeTopology, err := (*lister).NodeResourceTopologies(namespace).Get(nodeName) if err != nil { klog.V(5).ErrorS(err, "Cannot get NodeTopologies from NodeResourceTopologyNamespaceLister") continue } if nodeTopology != nil { return nodeTopology } } return nil
SingleNUMANodeContainerLevel:遍历所有initcontainer,container,依次判断是否有合适的numa node可以调度(要求每一个容器都必须满足下面的需求匹配函数)
func singleNUMAContainerLevelHandler(pod *v1.Pod, zones topologyv1alpha1.ZoneList, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) *framework.Status { klog.V(5).InfoS("Single NUMA node handler") // prepare NUMANodes list from zoneMap nodes := createNUMANodeList(zones) qos := v1qos.GetPodQOS(pod) // We count here in the way TopologyManager is doing it, IOW we put InitContainers // and normal containers in the one scope for _, container := range append(pod.Spec.InitContainers, pod.Spec.Containers...) { if resMatchNUMANodes(nodes, container.Resources.Requests, qos, nodeInfo) { // definitely we can't align container, so we can't align a pod return framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, fmt.Sprintf("cannot align container: %s", container.Name)) } } return nil }
SingleNUMANodePodLevel:把pod里的所有资源加总,以总资源判断一次是否有合适的numa node可以调度
func singleNUMAPodLevelHandler(pod *v1.Pod, zones topologyv1alpha1.ZoneList, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) *framework.Status { klog.V(5).InfoS("Pod Level Resource handler") resources := make(v1.ResourceList) // We count here in the way TopologyManager is doing it, IOW we put InitContainers // and normal containers in the one scope for _, container := range append(pod.Spec.InitContainers, pod.Spec.Containers...) { for resource, quantity := range container.Resources.Requests { if q, ok := resources[resource]; ok { quantity.Add(q) } resources[resource] = quantity } } if resMatchNUMANodes(createNUMANodeList(zones), resources, v1qos.GetPodQOS(pod), nodeInfo) { // definitely we can't align container, so we can't align a pod return framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, fmt.Sprintf("cannot align pod: %s", pod.Name)) } return nil }
核心逻辑,如何判断numa nodes和资源需求的匹配度:
- 将2拿到的zones转成numa nodes
- 两层循环遍历numa node和resource,判断该resource在该numa node上是否满足需求
- 如果有一种资源所有的numa node都不满足,则快速结束,不再继续
- 最后所有的资源和numa node遍历结束后,返回false,代表node未被过滤掉
// resMatchNUMANodes checks for sufficient resource, this function // requires NUMANodeList with properly populated NUMANode, NUMAID should be in range 0-63 func resMatchNUMANodes(numaNodes NUMANodeList, resources v1.ResourceList, qos v1.PodQOSClass, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) bool { bitmask := bm.NewEmptyBitMask() // set all bits, each bit is a NUMA node, if resources couldn't be aligned // on the NUMA node, bit should be unset bitmask.Fill() zeroQuantity := resource.MustParse("0") for resource, quantity := range resources { // for each requested resource, calculate which NUMA slots are good fits, and then AND with the aggregated bitmask, IOW unset appropriate bit if we can't align resources, or set it // obvious, bits which are not in the NUMA id's range would be unset resourceBitmask := bm.NewEmptyBitMask() for _, numaNode := range numaNodes { numaQuantity, ok := numaNode.Resources[resource] // if the requested resource can't be found on the NUMA node, we still need to check // if the resource can be found at the node itself, because there are resources which are not NUMA aligned // or not supported by the topology exporter - if resource was not found at both checks - skip (don't set it as available NUMA node). // if the un-found resource has 0 quantity probably this numa node can be considered. if !ok && !resourceFoundOnNode(resource, quantity, nodeInfo) && quantity.Cmp(zeroQuantity) != 0 { continue } // Check for the following: // 1. set numa node as possible node if resource is memory or Hugepages // 2. set numa node as possible node if resource is cpu and it's not guaranteed QoS, since cpu will flow // 3. set numa node as possible node if zero quantity for non existing resource was requested // 4. otherwise check amount of resources if resource == v1.ResourceMemory || strings.HasPrefix(string(resource), v1.ResourceHugePagesPrefix) || resource == v1.ResourceCPU && qos != v1.PodQOSGuaranteed || quantity.Cmp(zeroQuantity) == 0 || numaQuantity.Cmp(quantity) >= 0 { // possible to align resources on NUMA node resourceBitmask.Add(numaNode.NUMAID) } } bitmask.And(resourceBitmask) if bitmask.IsEmpty() { return true } } return bitmask.IsEmpty() }
完成了filter扩展点后,剩余的都是能够满足负载的资源需求跑在单numa node上的节点。
pod范围:汇总所有容器的资源request,将zones转换成numa nodes,调用核心打分函数
func podScopeScore(pod *v1.Pod, zones topologyv1alpha1.ZoneList, scorerFn scoreStrategy, resourceToWeightMap resourceToWeightMap) (int64, *framework.Status) { // This code is in Admit implementation of pod scope // https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/9ff3b7e744b34c099c1405d9add192adbef0b6b1/pkg/kubelet/cm/topologymanager/scope_pod.go#L52 // but it works with HintProviders, takes into account all possible allocations. containers := append(pod.Spec.InitContainers, pod.Spec.Containers...) resources := make(v1.ResourceList) for _, container := range containers { for resource, quantity := range container.Resources.Requests { if quan, ok := resources[resource]; ok { quantity.Add(quan) } resources[resource] = quantity } } allocatablePerNUMA := createNUMANodeList(zones) return scoreForEachNUMANode(resources, allocatablePerNUMA, scorerFn, resourceToWeightMap), nil }
func containerScopeScore(pod *v1.Pod, zones topologyv1alpha1.ZoneList, scorerFn scoreStrategy, resourceToWeightMap resourceToWeightMap) (int64, *framework.Status) { // This code is in Admit implementation of container scope // https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/9ff3b7e744b34c099c1405d9add192adbef0b6b1/pkg/kubelet/cm/topologymanager/scope_container.go#L52 containers := append(pod.Spec.InitContainers, pod.Spec.Containers...) contScore := make([]float64, len(containers)) allocatablePerNUMA := createNUMANodeList(zones) for i, container := range containers { contScore[i] = float64(scoreForEachNUMANode(container.Resources.Requests, allocatablePerNUMA, scorerFn, resourceToWeightMap)) } return int64(stat.Mean(contScore, nil)), nil }
核心逻辑:打分函数(per numa node)
func scoreForEachNUMANode(requested v1.ResourceList, numaList NUMANodeList, score scoreStrategy, resourceToWeightMap resourceToWeightMap) int64 { numaScores := make([]int64, len(numaList)) minScore := int64(0) for _, numa := range numaList { numaScore := score(requested, numa.Resources, resourceToWeightMap) // if NUMA's score is 0, i.e. not fit at all, it won't be take under consideration by Kubelet. if (minScore == 0) || (numaScore != 0 && numaScore < minScore) { minScore = numaScore } numaScores[numa.NUMAID] = numaScore } klog.V(5).InfoS("Score for NUMA nodes", "numaScores", numaScores, "nodeScore", minScore) return minScore }
func mostAllocatedScoreStrategy(requested, allocatable v1.ResourceList, resourceToWeightMap resourceToWeightMap) int64 { var numaNodeScore int64 = 0 var weightSum int64 = 0 for resourceName := range requested { // We don't care what kind of resources are being requested, we just iterate all of them. // If NUMA zone doesn't have the requested resource, the score for that resource will be 0. resourceScore := mostAllocatedScore(requested[resourceName], allocatable[resourceName]) weight := resourceToWeightMap.weight(resourceName) numaNodeScore += resourceScore * weight weightSum += weight } return numaNodeScore / weightSum } func mostAllocatedScore(requested, numaCapacity resource.Quantity) int64 { if numaCapacity.CmpInt64(0) == 0 { return 0 } if requested.Cmp(numaCapacity) > 0 { return 0 } return requested.Value() * framework.MaxNodeScore / numaCapacity.Value() }
func leastAllocatedScoreStrategy(requested, allocatable v1.ResourceList, resourceToWeightMap resourceToWeightMap) int64 { var numaNodeScore int64 = 0 var weightSum int64 = 0 for resourceName := range requested { // We don't care what kind of resources are being requested, we just iterate all of them. // If NUMA zone doesn't have the requested resource, the score for that resource will be 0. resourceScore := leastAllocatedScore(requested[resourceName], allocatable[resourceName]) weight := resourceToWeightMap.weight(resourceName) numaNodeScore += resourceScore * weight weightSum += weight } return numaNodeScore / weightSum } func leastAllocatedScore(requested, numaCapacity resource.Quantity) int64 { if numaCapacity.CmpInt64(0) == 0 { return 0 } if requested.Cmp(numaCapacity) > 0 { return 0 } numaValue := numaCapacity.Value() requestedValue := requested.Value() return (numaValue - requestedValue) * framework.MaxNodeScore / numaCapacity.Value() }
func balancedAllocationScoreStrategy(requested, allocatable v1.ResourceList, resourceToWeightMap resourceToWeightMap) int64 { resourceFractions := make([]float64, 0) // We don't care what kind of resources are being requested, we just iterate all of them. // If NUMA zone doesn't have the requested resource, the score for that resource will be 0. for resourceName := range requested { resourceFraction := fractionOfCapacity(requested[resourceName], allocatable[resourceName]) // if requested > capacity the corresponding NUMA zone should never be preferred if resourceFraction > 1 { return 0 } resourceFractions = append(resourceFractions, resourceFraction) } variance := stat.Variance(resourceFractions, nil) // Since the variance is between positive fractions, it will be positive fraction. 1-variance lets the // score to be higher for node which has least variance and multiplying it with `MaxNodeScore` provides the scaling // factor needed. return int64((1 - variance) * float64(framework.MaxNodeScore)) } func fractionOfCapacity(requested, capacity resource.Quantity) float64 { if capacity.Value() == 0 { return 1 } return float64(requested.Value()) / float64(capacity.Value()) }
Kubernetes搭配NUMA帶你飛. 對k8s提供的TopologyManager… | by 身為DevOps工程師 | Gemini Open Cloud 雙子星雲端 | Medium
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